Remove Locking Nut
There is a locking nut that is screwed onto the top of the antenna
mast guide. Using soft-jawed pliers or pliers wrapped in a terry
towel, turn the nut counter clockwise to loosen it. Picture shown
with nut removed.
Fully Extend Antenna
Turn the radio on to FM or AM and allow the antenna to extend.
Be careful to catch the antenna as it is fully extended
and comes out of the hole completely.
[Motor Removal/Disassembly Only] Remove Antenna Motor
It's located here and just has a few screws/bolts holding it in.
[Motor Removal/Disassembly Only] Antenna Motor Removed
Here's a picture of the assembly when removed.
[Motor Removal/Disassembly Only] Take Motor Apart
Here's the fun part - if you suspect that part of the old mast cable
is broken off inside, you'll need to remove that. You can also check
out the worm gear on the motor to see if anything's stripped. Picture
shows it pretty much fully disassembled
[Motor Removal/Disassembly Only] Reassemble Antenna Motor
Test your engineering skills by putting it back together. Parts
left over weren't needed in the first place and are a testament
to your finely-honed engineering efficiency. :-)
[Motor Removal/Disassembly Only] Reinstall Motor Assembly
Bolt the motor back up the way it was before and reconnect
all the wiring harnesses.
Fully Extend New Antenna Mast
Pull the end to allow it to reach its full length and
straighten the end of the cable if it is at all bent.
Insert Antenna Cable
Insert the antenna cable into the hole (with the mast extended)
such that the teeth face the interior of the car (toward the trunk).
Using light to moderate force, push the end of the cable into the motor
Rotate Antenna Cable
Rotate the antenna cable 90 degrees clockwise so that the teeth
face the rear of the car. This should cause the teeth
to mesh with the gear in the motor assembly. Now, lightly pull
on the antenna cable to see if you can remove it from the hole.
If it comes out without any resistance, then the gear and the
teeth have not meshed - you'll need to pull out the cable and
reinsert it. If there is resistance to pulling the cable out,
then it's probably in there correctly.
Retract Antenna Mast
[You may want a friend to help you at this point]
While holding the antenna mast upright above the hole, turn
the radio off and allow the motor to retract the antenna. It
should stop on its own. If it doesn't, remove the mast and
try again.
Install Locking Nut
If the mast has fully retracted, install the
locking nut on the mast guide.
Turn Radio On/Off
Check the operation of the antenna motor/mast by
turning the radio on and off several times.