Gather Your Materials
Here are the pipe couplers, the pipe, the NPT fitting, and the RTV sealant.
Cut PVC/ABS Pipe to Length
You'll need about a 9" section of pipe. I trimmed mine down closer to 8", but
anything 7" to 9" should work.
Drill a Hole in PVC/ABS Pipe
Pick a spot in the middle of your pipe and drill a
1/2" ID hole in it. It doesn't have to be perfect,
but try to get it straight. A drill press is nice if
you have one.
Partially Thread NPT Fitting Into Pipe
PVC/ABS is soft, metal is hard. Therefore, just shove the
fitting into the hole and start turning. The metal
fitting will cut its own threads in the plastic pipe
and seal quite nicely.
[optional] Apply RTV Sealant to Fitting
If you want to be extra sure you get a good seal, you can apply
some RTV sealant to the threads and the base of the NPT fitting
at this point. Just goop it on there before you fully seat
the fitting.
Fully Tighten NPT Fitting
Tighten that fitting down all the way with your 9/16" wrench.
Once it stops, don't turn it much further since you don't want
to damage the plastic pipe.
Slide Couplings Over Pipe Ends
Slide the couplings over the ends of the pipe. Loosen the outer
hose clamps (that will attach to the car's piping) and slightly
tighten the inner clamps (so they don't fall off the pipe).
Allow RTV to Dry
Technically, you should let it be for 24 hours. If you're in a hurry
and are pretty sure you drilled a clean hole with your drill, then
a couple hours should be sufficient.
Admire Your New Intake Pressure Tester
A few minutes' work and $15 isn't that bad, is it?
Remove Your Air Filter and MAS
Disconnect your air filter or OEM airbox lid and your MAS housing.
Remove OEM T-Pipe
The pipe that the MAS housing attaches to is shaped like a "T" -
it has an inlet for the MAS housing and two outlets, one for
each turbo. You need to remove this pipe. There are two hose clamps,
one on each end, for the pipes leading to the turbocharger compressor
housing inlets - remove loosen these clamps. There is a hose clamp
where the turbocharger bypass valve (BPV, or BOV) connects to the
T-pipe; remove that, too. Finally, disconnect the breather hose on the
underside of the T-pipe and it should just come right out.
Attach Pressure Tester
Attach the hose couplings on your pressure tester to the two
intake pipes that used to attach to the OEM T-pipe. Securely
tighten the hose clamps on both the OEM pipes and the new PVC/ABS
pipe on your pressure tester. You don't want that popping off
around your garage. Now, connect your air hose to the
NPT fitting on the pressure tester.
Slowly Pressurize Intake Piping
Slowly open the valve on your air hose or increase the pressure
setting on your regulator. Some noises from your rubber
intercooler hoses stretching is normal. Listen for any hissing
sounds from your engine bay - those are generally leaks.
Fix Any Leaks You Found
Some rubber seals may need to be replaced, and some hose clamps may need
to be tightened.
Pressurize Intake to 15psi
15psi should be a good target to make sure you have no leaks, as that
is the maximum boost most BPU cars run. If you run more boost
than that, then test it up to that pressure, too.
Overall, be careful while testing your intake system for leaks.
Even at 10-15psi, a hose blowing off can have considerable force
and cause injury to you or others. Always increase pressure slowly
and check for any connections that seem insecure.