HKS BOV Pictures
Remove the Air Filter or Airbox and MAS Housing
The K&N filter is held on by a hose clamp - remove it and then remove the brackets
that attach the filter adapter (and MAS housing) to the chassis. If you have a stock
airbox, look here to see how to remove the
stock airbox lid and MAS housing.
Unclamp the Stock Bypass Valve
Remove the two hose clamps that attach the stock bypass valve to the intake
hoses. Also, Remove the vacuum line attached to the bypass valve.
Remove Y-Pipe [optional]
The y-pipe has a hose clamp at the throttle body and two more
hose clamps at the intercooler hoses. It also has one
vacuum hose connection on the rear.
Remove the Stock Bypass Valve
You may find this easier if you remove the Y-pipe (shown), but this is not necessary.
Plug the Stock Bypass Valve Hole in the Unpressurized Side of the Intake.
The HKS BOV vents to atmosphere and thus does not use this connection. Plug
the hole with something like a medicine bottle cap and reinstall the original hose clamp.
Install the HKS Blow-off Valve.
The HKS BOV pipe has a hole to attach it to the fuse box stay. Remove the stock bolt and
use it to secure the BOV. Tighten the hose clamps in the stock locations on the
pressurized side of the intake.
Replace the MAS Housing and Air Filter; Attach Vacuum Line.
Make sure you connect the vacuum line to the BOV or it will leak whenever there is
boost in the intake!